This Daveric MKV1 was a kit car built by Eric and David Marsh and assembled by Ian Jones, the chassis was built early in 1984.
Ian received the chassis in kit form in October 1984 and took approximately eighteen months to assemble it and get the car race ready, Ian first raced it at Winton in 1986, as can be seen in the poor quality photos taken with a still camera from a VHS video tape, take notice of the date on the photo.
Ian moved to Western Australia and had the car registered with C.A.M.S. he had new log book photos as can be seen now thanks to David Campbell supplying photo's and information as requested.
After Ian had raced the car for sometime he sold it, the current owner is David Campbell and he is still racing it in W.A..
We would like any information on previous owners and any photo's. if any one can help please feel free to contact us.
The following information has been provided by David Campbell.
My car is registered with CAMS as a Daveric Mk6 with a chassis number of DV0042A, manufactured in 1984 and first registered on 23 Jun 86.
The engine number s 5646198 and current log book number is 20050099 with a vehicle ID of 30263.
Ian Jones first registered it on 23 Jun 86 and the log book has other owners as Jez Hammond 6 Mar 98, Chas Bailey 16 Apr 03, Bruce Allen 14 Feb 05 and me from 1 Sep 06. I do know that Brett Scarey owned the car after Jez Hammond but this was not registered with CAMS.
The log book shows pictures of a yellow car with an upper/lower split body and separate nose cone. The car now has a complete body and a nose cone. I am not sure how many original bits are still on it as it has had a few rollovers, one with me in it in Sep 07. The chassis behind and including the roll bar was replaced after my crash.
The car is still regularly competing in WA and will be raced by my son Ross next year.
The followig information has been provided by Stephen Williams.
Hi I thought I would send you an update on the Daverick MkVI Logbook 20050099.
I purchased the car off Dave Cambell the Vee Association secretary for WA in August 2010. I spent the later part of 2010 getting used to racing a vee and getting used to the car itself.
Over the 2010 / 2011 summer break I decided to work on improving the car and setting it up so it would be as competative as possible.
During the 2011 season I have been trying to add improvements between each race, the season started well in March 2011 I finished first and have been able to maintain my lead in the WA 1200 State Championships right up to the final race of the season which also happens to be the National Championships.
As I have been pushing the car harder and harder I have found that certain parts have needed work and with one weekend left I have some work to do on the rear suspension to try and make it more secure and more stable.
I currently hold a 22 point lead with 3 races in the final weekend to go so the opportunity is there to put the Daverick MK VI on the podium for the season which would be a great testement to the car and how it has been able to beat alot more modern designed cars.
Kindest regards: Steve Williams